Pak Lah just announced the new cabinet line up, and we got new minister y'all!
It's weird dat now he's my minister coz I used to snoop around his blog. He's just like fellow blogger with whimsical, provocative and honest entry and now he's my new Minister?! Thank god i never leave comment or send e-mail ka... shy only. I hope he never read mine, sungguh tidak intellectual!
I really admire his work and his stand, so can't help it if I got a high hope for him laa (too bad KJ is not my new minister hehehe... regardless wat people say, I still think dat he's hot. But then again, my fiance is hotter... really bie, love u :p).
and above all, I really wish his Datin is more emm.. 'nicer'. Would not want to make myself 'invisible' again for every official function or miss out oversea trips coz my name got banned... hey.... penat tau!
P/s: Once I met Pak Lah and he said "aii... kecik2 macam nie pun boleh jadi PTD?" diikuti oleh gelak orang awam... yeah, love u too!