"I've been contemplating..."
I know I want to but still contemplating for unknown reason. I haven't got the chance to get permission from my parents, nor my husband... maybe dats why. I mean I should, right? especially from my parents because they are the one who... made me(? hahaha). So if I wanna give myself (or some part of myself) away, I should seek their permission dulu kan...
Anyone already sign up? Maybe u can share your thoughts here....
A Gift of Life
Jik, why dont you start by donating the 'fake eyelashes' tu dulu. kalau ko rasa tenang, then move to small-small thing first(like bulu idung or the like), baru ko diskas dengan your family and hubby to go for the big-big thing. amacam???
Guxxy, mana ko tau kalau aku punya fake eyelashes tu bukan diperbuat dari bulu idung atau bulu badan yang lain?
Tenang kah?
ala Jixxy, macam ndak biasa. aku pun terasa macam mau donate something jugak. what about hati. just a portion of it...amacam???
macam mau register jak terus (masa niat masih membara)
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