Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Entry I Don't Know How to Title It

I guess tis would be my last entry before Raya hols…

Apakah maknanya beraya jika tidak bershopping raya kan? Last year I was so caught up preparing for my engagement dat my Raya preparations were almost… none. Even my baju raya was the courtesy of my dearest mom who knew dat I couldn’t be bothered about it.

So tis year, put my mabuk-pening-lalat aside… I brave the shopping complexes and Jalan TAR for the sake of buying raya stuff for my family. This time I can bershopping raya like mad coz due to my current sedated lifestyle, for almost 3 months I barely touch my money in the bank. A hidden blessing. Hence, saya tidak perlu la menunggu gaji dan bonus ini bulan untuk bershopping ala ‘supermarket sweep’.

Instant gratification, said Kimora.

My bonus yang dibahagi dua itu akan dichannelkan kepada sesuatu yang saya idamkan dan hanya menunggu for me to click the ‘BUY’ button (farrah, I’m sure u will agree kan?).

Btw bunnies, I’m sure all of u heard about the susu from China (haha.. no suprises) yang somehow contaminated with melamine. Sangat la tidak faham how a substance which is usually used to make plates/ household product can bercampur with susu. Are they purposely mixing both to make the susu thick, God knows. Those people better use their cocktailing skills somewhere else. But don’t worry so much coz Malaysia imported most of the susu from NZ or Australia, kalau mau lagi selamat buy them from those Bhai yang jual susu dalam botol yang classic itu or start breastfeeding you babies! But do be careful when buying other dairy products/ confectionery such as chocolate, ice-cream etc (including my gula-gula susu cap rabbit). You can also check Ministry of Health website for further info.

hehehe... no more chick lit for me. Tis book rocks!

Also, let me share some information on toy safety. To mommies out there, please be careful with the toys you buy for your love ones. Once in a while do check out http://www.recalledtoyalert.com/ or www.cpsc.gov/cpscpub/prerel/category/toy.html for info about toys being recall for safety/ health reason. I know this pun because it’s related to my work. In Malaysia, if there’s any recall from oversea, the manufacturer/ big retailer such as Mattel and Toy’R’Us will follow suit. But our main concern is those yang dijual di pasar malam, kedai runcit, etc. For a non-technical way of analyzing before any purchase, lead is usually found on those shiny2 paint, like on toy car, senapang etc etc.


I have tis thing to let out. I think I’m changing into a different person. Like from ulat beluncas to pupa kindda thing…

U see, almost everyone knows dat I have a generous tear buds…

I cried wen I feel tired, during movies, during weddings, listening to sad songs, every time I say goodbye to my family at the airport, wen frens in trouble, reading/ watching the news… And I never feel ashamed to ‘share’ my feelings publicly. My tears, sukati laa…

Boleh dicalonkan sebagai Ratu Air Mata, next to Wewen :P

But for the past three month, I have stopped expressing my sad emotion to another human being.

I don’t cry to anyone anymore, except God. Not even to my husband ok. Eventho I’m pretty sure that he knows dat at difficult moments, I do cry tapuk2 (sembunyi2). But we never talk about it. He let me deal with it my own way and I let him do it his way… probably explains his longer doa during praying time and pesanan to the baby to behave every morning before leaving to work.

I was trying to understand the cry-suck it in-smile syndrome and come up with these conclusions:

  • I feel such a failure to let anyone knows dat I cannot handle my own pregnancy. Nothing is easy in life, why should tis be different?

  • Crying in front of my husband/ family/ frens will worry them more. Which will worries me also. Which gives me wrinkle. Which I don’t need

  • Stronger mama = stronger baby

Maybe it’s not really recommended but I concur dat as long as I’m feeling ok and not disturbed in any way… we are going to be OK!

And God do listen.

Anyway, Dia Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Mengasihani kan?

Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir dan Batin to you all bunnies!


anaidrun said...

oh dg, aku tau perasaan orang yang mabuk pagi petang siang malam...been thru it 2 times already. hopefully it'll lessen soon. aku dulu 9 bulan mabuk for both pregnancy. sungguh menakutkan. aku juga turut menyediakan tong sampah di bawah meja ofisku.ko dh start muntah ijau dah?huhu..

paling tensen bila kita cuba bagitau org camana kita rasa, but nobody seems to understand, but of course they care la.

sabar ok babe!hasilnya nanti Insha Allah memuaskan.

farrahar said...

there.. there.. you hang on there. you're not a failure. you're not alone bah.. many other mothers in your same shoe you know.

i bet nanti on the day the baby keluar your tear ducts will be automatically reactivated and you will instantly forget all these sufferings! hehehe..

just remember, this too will pass.

oh, and yes, He listens. it's just so amazing..

-bba- said...

Hey, I feel hopeless most of the times. You think it's easy for ME to NOT do any work (i.e. angkat kotak, cook, cuci kain, etc etc)?

It's like, I'm losing my powers!

But, another few more months to go... I'll just be patient..

(at least you have your girlfriends there for you, I only have my husband yang kuat membebel!)

gambit said...

Ya la, jik. Aku tau kau mengandung anak sulung. Jadi bermanja-manjaan adalah dibolehkan asalkan ndak melampau.

Anyway, gula-gula susu cap rabbit kegemaran kau tu ndak sudah bole di makan (kecuali kalau NZ produce such gula-gula).

And memandangkan susu nda suda bole diminum oleh baby2 sekalian, jadi u hv to prepare yang stail "alam semulajadi" kinda thing. ala, you know better...

Cumanya just remind ur husband not to share from the same source with the baby. nanti susu abis, baby nda cukup bekalan pulak nanti...

Bah, jangan mengamuk aaa. kesian aku yang ndak balik raya ni.

Selamat Hari raya, Maaf zahir batin.

MyMatahari said...

DD: Thanks dee... sangat terharu at least ada fren yang pernah melaluinya. u're my idol!

Farrah: I'm ok... I just have to let it out

Kar: Of coz not easy, but i'm still doing it laa.. acting as normal as I can be. U r far more lucky than I am coz u have ur family beside u all d time... Talk to God, it helps.

Gux: Apa ko mau dr kk nie? I only accept order tis week...

Anggerik_putih said...

matahari..hi!! sorry lps msuk ur blog baru perasan my entry title sama ngan urs...no wonderla rasa cam familiar jer..ampun ya coz da malas nak edit!! nways, selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin!!